Self Disciplines of Buckminster Fuller

Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science:

Embrace a holistic approach to problem-solving that anticipates future needs and challenges.
Action Steps:
Engage in continuous learning, think in global terms, and consider the long-term impact of your actions.

Doing More with Less (Ephemeralization):

Focus on increasing efficiency and reducing waste in all endeavors.
Action Steps:
Innovate to find solutions that use the fewest resources for the greatest benefit.

Individual Initiative and Integrity:

Trust in one’s own intuition and experiences to guide decision-making processes.
Action Steps:
Develop a strong moral compass and act in alignment with your deepest convictions, even when faced with opposition.

Synergetics – Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking:

Utilize the principles of synergetics to understand the interrelationships and synergies among systems.
Action Steps:
Apply synergetic principles in design and problem-solving to achieve comprehensive solutions.

Global Resource Management and Environmental Accountability:

Advocate for the responsible management of Earth’s resources and the environment.
Action Steps:
Promote sustainability and take actions that contribute to the well-being of the planet.

Lifelong Education and Curiosity:

Maintain a commitment to continuous learning and exploration.
Action Steps:
Seek out new knowledge, stay curious, and remain open to new ideas and perspectives.

Documenting and Sharing Knowledge:

Keep detailed records of one’s work and discoveries, and share this knowledge for the benefit of others.
Action Steps:
Write, teach, and engage in discussions to disseminate insights and innovations.

Although these self-disciplines are drawn from the overarching themes of Buckminster Fuller’s work and philosophy, the specific list and detailed action steps related to each discipline as they might appear in “Critical Path” are not available in the provided text snippets.

Fuller’s approach to life was characterized by an unyielding faith in the power of technology and design to solve humanity’s challenges, underscored by a commitment to integrity, sustainability, and global cooperation.